TOMMY LEE To DONALD TRUMP: 'What The F**k Is Wrong With You, Dude?'

March 3, 2020

MÖTLEY CRÜE drummer Tommy Lee has reacted to President Trump hugging and kissing an American flag at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference.

After finishing his speech at CPAC 2020 on Saturday (February 29),Trump decided to lovingly caress and kiss the American flag that was on stage while mouthing the words, "I love you, baby."

On Monday (March 2),Lee shared video of the bizarre moment on his Instagram account, and he wrote: "Wtf is wrong with you dude?" He also added the facepalm emoji.

Lee has repeatedly voiced his displeasure with Trump, including last August when he implored the president to "wake the fuck up" after he blamed the Dayton and El Paso mass shootings on video games and mental illness.

In December 2018, Tommy referred to the 45th U.S. president as an "asshole" and labeled his supporters "dumbasses." A year earlier, he called the president "a fucking idiot" and said the people who voted for him are "dickheads."

After Trump was elected president in November 2016, Lee expressed his disbelief on Twitter, writing: "What the actual fuck is happening?"

In November 2018, Tommy lambasted Trump for blaming California's wildfires on poor forest management. "Can you be anymore insensitive you fucking moron" Lee tweeted.

Lee, along with the rest of MÖTLEY CRÜE, is preparing to hit the road this summer as part of "The Stadium Tour" with DEF LEPPARD, POISON and JOAN JETT & THE BLACKHEARTS. The trek will kick off on June 18 in Jacksonville, Florida and will mark CRÜE's first live dates since wrapping its 2014/2015 farewell run. The band toured with POISON back in 2011 and DEF LEPPARD teamed up with POISON for a string of road dates in 2017 — but the upcoming jaunt marks the first time all four acts have hit the road together for an extended tour.

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Wtf is wrong with you dude? ??‍♂‍

A post shared by T?ɱɱ¥ ᒪEE (@tommylee) on

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